
Watch informative videos of Ubersmith on your own time

Intro to Ubersmith

Client Manager 3:25

This video gives a brief overview of Ubersmith’s Client Manager, including the dashboard, client profile, services, billing/invoicing tools and other key features.

Intro to Ubersmith

Sales Manager 5:24

This video gives a brief overview of Ubersmith’s Sales Manager, including lead and opportunity tracking, sales quoting, and electronic contract signatures.

Intro to Ubersmith

Support Manager 3:04

This video gives a brief overview of Ubersmith’s email-based Support Manager, including departments, ticketing, time tracking, and integrations with client profiles, orders, devices, and services.

Intro to Ubersmith

Device Manager 4:58

This video gives a brief overview of the Device Manage’s features, including the dashboard, device pages, device modules, monitoring/alerts, and IP address management.

Intro to Ubersmith

Order Manager 5:53

This video gives a brief overview of Ubersmith’s Order Manager and its customizable workflow tools for managing all customer order steps, including account setup, provisioning, and billing.

Intro to Ubersmith

Invoicing 5:19

This video gives a brief overview of the invoice features, including how to work with generated invoices, create new invoices, and applying payments and credits to your client accounts.

Intro to Ubersmith

Device Monitoring 5:07

This video gives a brief overview of Ubersmith’s device monitoring feature, including built-in monitors, customized monitors, and using these monitors.


OnApp Integration Tutorial 4:08

Ubersmith integrates with OnApp to capture usage and bill for virtual machine (VM), vCloud and CDN resources, available in OnApp versions five and later.


Bandwith Billing and Device Monitoring 6:21

This Ubersmith tutorial teaches you how to set up bandwidth billing, from configuring your networking hardware to associating your client’s device with a port and service.

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Ubersmith has numerous software, hardware and other integrations


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